Vancouver Intergroup Alcoholics Anonymous
Intergroup Office:
Phone number:

24/7 Phone Hotline

If you need to talk to someone RIGHT NOW, call this number:


AA 12 Step Volunteer

A 12-Step Volunteer is an active AA member with at least 2 years of continuous sobriety.

Your commitment to 12-Step work entails a few simple things.

  1. Listing your name and phone number with the AA Hotline
  2. Be willing to talk to people on the phone who have an interest in getting and staying sober.
  3. Occasionally making yourself available to do face to face 12-Stepping with the assistance of another AA member, realizing you may be taking someone to their first AA meeting.


When a Hotline volunteer received a call from someone who is interested in AA, the volunteer will take their phone number and inform them that an AA member will call them back to discuss their situation and desire to learn about AA. As 12-steppers we call them and then listen to them. We share our experience, strength and hope and then suggest an AA meeting. All situations are different, and it is best to have an experienced 12-Stepper along when making a face-to-face meeting with a potential member. Our Big Book covers working with others nicely. Please consider making yourself available for 12-Step work. When a call is received, we do our best to contact an AA member closest to the callers and their location. Be patient, at some point you will get a call.

Contact Alasdair 360-518-6088

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